Moving Day - From a Small Shop to a Tiny Shop


I moved across the hall to a smaller studio at 40 West Art Studios today. The space I have occupied for the last year is 230 square feet in size, has an acoustic tile ceiling and is nearly impossible to humidify properly. The best the humidifier can do is 37% RH, when I run it at a higher setting the reservoir will run out of water overnight.

The space I moved into today is only 140 square feet in size with a lower ceiling that is dry walled,and I plan on installing a rubber door sweep to help keep a more consistent level of humidity.

For the last several months I have been thinking about how to reduce clutter, a good solution I found was to place things I hadn’t used in one year in a cardboard box and put the box in the FJ Cruiser. I need more boxes. 

I’m not sure there is enough room for a saw horse...

or all of my clamps!

The Dutch-style tool chest is going to be replaced with a sectional tool cabinet to organize my tools with a little more efficiency.

All this work to do organizing the shop and there are two guitars to work on. 


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