My Latest Classical Guitar with an Elevated Fretboard

My latest guitar is based on R.E. Bruné’s plans of Andrés Segovia’s 1912 Manuel Ramirez guitar, the guitar has the same plantilla (outline), headstock and headstock crest and binding scheme as the Ramirez, but that is where the similarities end. The original guitar has a spruce top and Brazilian rosewood back and sides, I used a master grade old growth western red cedar with a Lorenzo Frignani style rosette, the back and sides are East Indian rosewood, and the back has an inner lamination of western red cedar. I took the idea of the lamination from a 1992 Manuel Contreras guitar that I worked on several years ago

Here are some photos of the guitar!

The bridge is on, you can see the fretboard is lifted above the guitar top.

In this photo you can see my bracing pattern.

The back has a lamination of western red cedar, the top is also made from western red cedar.

The back is made from some very old East Indian rosewood.

Here’s view of the fretboard while I was getting it all put together!

I’ll post more about this guitar! Stayed tuned!


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