My Guitars Currently Available at Savage Classical Guitar

Savage Classical Guitar is my representative on the East Coast. The gallery is owned and operated by Rich Sayage, who is a wonderful man and great to work with. 

There are currently two of my guitars at his gallery:

Below are links to sound clips of Mr. Sayage playing my guitars with commentary on how they sound and play.

Here is a sound clip of the Redwood guitar.

Here is a sound clip of the Port Orford Cedar guitar.

Specifications of the guitars are listed on the Savage Classical Guitar website.

Check them out! Listen to the sound clips of Rich playing the guitars and you will have a smile on your face all day!

Here are some photos from Savage Classical Guitar of the Redwood/EIRW guitar...

Here are some photos from Savage Classical Guitar of the Port Orford Cedar/EIRW guitar...


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